Update - 1/14/2024: I am leaving this page up - including the verbiage I used when running for office - for now. I think it could be a helpful accountability check so you can see whether my tune changes!
I also plan to link my votes and proposals to these issues to let the district decide for themselves how well I did what I said I would do.
I am running for City-County Council because I've seen that we collectively know the solutions that can make a better city. We can have neighborhoods that are safe to walk and bike in, neighborhoods free from despair and violence. We can give our children hope and work alongside them to pass along a better world than the one we inherited.
The money exists. The technology exists.
A better world is possible.
Unions and Jobs
Every worker who wants a union should have a union. As your next City-County Councillor, I would oppose spending money to create jobs at employers that did not pay livable wages, provide good benefits, and offer neutrality to workers who wished to form a union. I would immediately act to close the loophole that allows companies to collect tax dollars and then employ contractors at poverty wages. I would work to ensure that in Indianapolis, loyal workers cannot be simply thrown to the curb in poor financial weather. I’m proud of my years of volunteer activism in support of unions and working people, and I would always stand with workers as your councillor.
Like the vast majority of Americans, I support a single universal health care system. While abroad, I developed a particularly nasty eye infection that nearly blinded me in one eye and the total cost for this treatment was less than 100 dollars. Here at home, with a good job, I pay far more than that every month for a plan that still requires me to pay high deductibles, spend hours navigating a complex and confusing network of providers, wait long periods for the care my family needs, and pay the highest prices in the developed world for medicine. With our particular focus on healthcare and technology, we should push towards accessible and affordable healthcare, rather than be a profit center for privatized healthcare.
Environmental Justice & Climate Change
Indiana’s history as a coal mining and industrial state once brought us strong union jobs and a stable way to provide for families. Unfortunately, even after the jobs have gone away, we have been left dealing with the state’s heavy reliance on burning fossil fuels, which contributes to asthma rates, heavy metals in our water, and deteriorating ecosystems. In Indiana, these class lines play out along historically redlined neighborhoods. The end result of this is that children from black, brown, and working-class families are currently being poisoned at a rate much higher than their wealthier, historically white suburban counterparts. We cannot tolerate a single poisoned child in the wealthiest society to have ever existed. I will push to heavily fund lead remediation, hold corporations accountable for poisoning our soil, air, and water, and prioritize health and safety over corporate profits.
Police and Public Safety
Indianapolis currently uses armed police officers to shoulder the burdens caused by ignoring root issues of poverty, inequality, mental illness, addiction, alcoholism, and more. As Fox News investigated, Indianapolis taxpayers paid $16 million to settle cases of police misconduct over the five years ending in 2020. Clearly, the solution is not to throw more police officers into this dangerous and unfair expectation; the solution is to fix the underlying problems that cause crime. I am an advocate of clinician-led emergency response teams, and see Indianapolis’s current pilot program as a small step in the right direction. We should provide emergency responses to all of our residents’ needs, including those related to mental health, with respondents trained to help with specific needs, rather than armed law enforcement.
Indiana does not currently treat our teachers with the respect they deserve. We have a crippling teacher shortage, brought on in large part by the subpar pay, poor working conditions, and public scorn shown to our educators. As a former charter school teacher, I have seen how incredibly hard Indiana teachers work for very little money. I have also seen the methods used to weaken teachers’ ability to join a union and collectively bargain for better treatment. All children deserve a quality education - and this means adequate pay and treatment for teachers, speech pathologists, nurses, psychologists, and all other support staff that children need to be fully present and prepared to learn. A strong, well-funded, well-staffed public education system is vital for our city’s future.
Housing for All
Indianapolis is experiencing a housing crisis. Despite current efforts, our city is still short tens of thousands of needed housing units, and the greatest shortage is for those families living in poverty. It is crucial for our city council to prioritize affordable housing to provide dignity, respect, safety, and security for every child and adult in Indianapolis. I am a strong supporter of the concept of tenants’ unions, and want to improve the landlord registry to help bring transparency and accountability. As your next Councillor, I will put working people first and prioritize the creation of affordable housing on day one. Our current council has a very cozy relationship with developers, but a much worse relationship with renters and burdened homeowners. I believe housing is a human right, and I will continue fighting for a city and country where housing is free for all who need it. Until then, we must ensure that every Indianapolis resident has the ability to live in a safe, secure home without needing to pay more than 30% of their income.
Accountability and Transparency
The Indianapolis City County Council appoints board members to our governing entities. Alongside the library workers and community, I have participated in the public activism to restore Nichelle Hayes as CEO of the Indianapolis Marion County Library. I participated in many calls to action to pull back from the potentially disastrous HHC v Talevski case, which the current council remained silent about for months. The current council leadership refuses to reconsider appointees who disregard the will of the public and the council. I understand that unelected boards should serve at the will of the ordinary citizens of Indianapolis. I will publicize the activities of boards and demand accountability from appointees. In addition, as a city councillor, I will make the sources of any income or gifts public and will call for more transparency around potential conflicts of interest.
Public Space and Public Health
Across our city, we see spaces designed to be hostile to residents of Indianapolis. Bus stops have no benches or shelters. Buses come too infrequently, and bus lines are hard to navigate. Residential streets have no sidewalks or streetlights. Riding a bicycle can be a terrifying proposition due to the lack of protected bike lanes, unenforced speed limits, and poor road and sidewalk conditions. Crosswalks are poorly maintained and unprotected. Parks do not offer programming and often cannot open their pools. Pedestrian deaths are alarmingly high. Trash is strewn everywhere, even in city-owned and maintained properties. And yes, especially on the east side of town, the potholes are causing immense damage to vehicles. This city belongs to all of us, and we should fund our public spaces accordingly. Creating safe and accessible spaces outside the home is an absolute requirement for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As your city councillor, I will advocate for Indianapolis residents to be treated to the same consideration and care that we give our city’s guests and convention-goers: functional, well-maintained infrastructure, plenty of places to rest and spend time, and welcoming, friendly aesthetics. I support free and expanded public transportation, as well as subsidies for residents to purchase e-bicycles and other green transportation options. I also support the creation of neighborhood co-ops and grocery stores to shrink and eliminate food deserts.
Bigotry and Attacks on Our Loved Ones
Every single resident of Indianapolis is a child of God and our fellow human, deserving of love, respect, equality, dignity, and care. Indiana politicians have worked hard to turn white people against Black people, English speakers against Spanish speakers, men against women, cis people against trans people, and heterosexual people against everyone else. While these demagogues whip up hatred and fear, they are taking money from the poor and working people and giving it to their rich donors and friends. Trans rights are human rights. Black rights are human rights. Women’s rights are human rights. This is not negotiable. I will stand alongside any resident of Indiana being attacked and persecuted for their identity. The government should exist to protect less-powerful groups and ensure their equal ability to participate in our economic and civic life. Our current government is doing the exact opposite, and like many Hoosiers I am sick of it.